Our Story: About the Beach Solar Laundromat

Lower prices, lower carbon footprint.

Solar panels on our roof pre-heat the water before it goes through the natural gas boiler.

Our carbon emissions are down 30%, even as business is up!

See it in the video (above or left).

Beach Solar LaundromatThe Beach Solar Laundromat uses eight solar thermal panels to heat water for the Laundromat, potable water for the second floor apartment and for space heating in radiators.

The building was built in 1939, and the mechanical retrofit took place in 2002 and 2003.

Natural Gas consumption has been reduced by approximately 30% as a result of the energy initiatives undertaken.

Revenues grew 160% over eighteen months as customers actively choose the Beach Solar Laundromat because of its environmentally friendly energy initiatives.

National and International Recognition

ccmcawardThe Beach Solar Laundromat was recognized in April 2004, by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment as the Best Small Business in Canada for Pollution Prevention and the Best Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction project in Canada.

In September 2004, the wash and fold service at the Beach Solar Laundromat was recognized by the City of Bremen, Germany with the Bremen Partnership Award. Bremen-Partnership-Award-2004Under the patronage of the United Nations Environmental Programme, the award recognized profound environmental innovation achieved in partnership with a non-government organization.

Canada supported the solar installation through REDI, the Renewable Energy Deployment Initiative, which was later supplanted by the ecoEnergy program.

Read more Nitty Gritty Details about the Laundromat.

Here’s a video from a few years ago about the Beach Solar Laundromat.

Directed by Bernice Landry. Produced by Sean Howard.